
Finding Joy with God


September 13, 2020 • Adam Mabry

As we continue in our series "w/ God," we're exploring why sometimes it feels difficult to experience the joy which is promised to us in Scripture. How do we cultivate a life of joy in the presence of God? In this sermon, Pastor Justin of Aletheia Providence looks to James 4 to help us understand how our habits shape our experiences of joy in Jesus.

More from w/God

Finding Joy with God

September 20, 2020 • David Fulton

Have you ever felt the frustration of trying to talk to God and hearing nothing back? How do Christians go about hearing God's voice? In this sermon, campus minister David Fulton offers practical tips about how to cultivate meaningful conversation with God.

Hate-Defying Love

September 6, 2020 • Adam Mabry

How does being with God shape the way we relate to other people? In this sermon, Pastor Adam looks to 1 John 4 to examine how being with God produces love in God's people that radically unites us in the mission to love others.

Abiding w/ God

August 30, 2020 • Kevin McKenzie

In this sermon, Campus Director Kevin McKenzie explores John 15 to emphasize the essential worship of abiding in Jesus and details practical ways to enter into the peaceful presence of Jesus.