
Growing Up in Friendship (Audio Only)

John 15:10–17

July 21, 2019 • Justin Chapman

If we're going to be great friends and find great friends, we need to grow up. In this sermon, Pastor Justin looks at Jesus's words in John 15 and at wisdom from Proverbs to explain how the friendship of Jesus can deeply impact our friendship with one another.

It's Worth the Fight

July 28, 2019 • Justin Chapman

Growing up in Christ isn't easy, it's a fight. What makes it worth it? In this final sermon of the series, Pastor Justin looks at John's vision in Revelation 7 and explains this picture makes the fight to grow up in Christ worth it.

Growing Up in Romance

July 14, 2019 • Justin Chapman

When Jesus was asked a question about marriage, he went back to how marriage played a part in God's story. In this sermon, Pastor Justin looks at Mark 10 and numerous verses out of Proverbs to put some practical applications for how we can mature in our approach to romantic love.

Money & Maturity

June 30, 2019 • Justin Chapman

Jesus said that money is the number one threat to our trust in God. Money isn't evil in itself, but it seems like a viable alternative for security and fulfillment. In this sermon, Pastor Justin shows how Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 9 help us to love God with our money by using money as a tool for his kingdom.