
For God's Sake Grow Up

Cambridge, MA

It's Worth The Fight

July 28, 2019 • Adam Mabry

Growing up in Christ isn't easy, it's a fight. What makes it worth it? In this final sermon of the series, Pastor Adam looks at John's vision in Revelation 7 and explains this picture makes the fight to grow up in Christ worth it.

Growing Up In Friendship

July 21, 2019 • Adam Mabry

Sometimes, it's really hard to make friends. Whether you're in high school, college, just starting your career, or nearing retirement, we all need to learn how to develop friendships that last and that draw us closer to God. In this sermon, Pastor Adam looks to Proverbs to provide wisdom about how we can grow up as godly friends.


July 14, 2019 • Steve Cabral

Food and drink and other substances are given to humans for our enjoyment, but sin creates the conditions for abuses, addictions, and disorders of all varieties. How can we experience freedom from the addictions that promise us control over our lives but rob us of our autonomy? In this sermon, Steve Cabral looks to Paul's Letter to the Ephesians to show that the control and escape promised by substances are poor imitations of what is promised in Christ.

Growing Up in Romance

July 7, 2019 • Adam Mabry

Whether we're single, dating, or married, we all need the truth of the Gospel to shape the way we pursue and receive love. In this sermon, Pastor Adam looks to Jesus' words about marriage and various Proverbs to illustrate that the Gospel makes sense of romance, and for us, growing up in God means believing it.

Loving God with Our Money

June 30, 2019 • Adam Mabry

Money. We all want it and we all need it. In our capitalist and consumerist culture, we all face the temptation to worship it. How do we learn to submit our money and our resources to the God who meet all of our needs? In this sermon, Pastor Adam looks to the generosity of the Church at Corinth in 2 Corinthians to illustrate that if we want to grow up in God, we've got to love God with our money.

Thoughts and Feelings

June 23, 2019 • Adam Mabry

God isn't the kind of person who simply wants us to follow His rules. True surrender to God involves our thoughts and feelings and affections as well. How do we learn to offer God our thoughts and feelings? In this sermon, Pastor Adam looks to Paul's second letter to the Corinthians to explore how growing up in God involves thinking how God thinks and feeling how God feels.

We Become What We Behold

June 16, 2019 • Adam Mabry

Who are you, and how do you know? We have tons of ideas about what lies at the center of our identities, but it turns out that who we truly are is reflected not in what we think, but in what we love. In this sermon, Pastor Adam shows us from 2 Corinthians that if we become what we behold, we must learn to behold God.

Wisdom and Time

June 9, 2019 • Adam Mabry

We know we need to mature. Americans spend more on self-help than any other country - more than the GDP of the poorest 62 nations on earth! But self, success, and security aren't large enough life-purposes. God has a bigger mission and a bigger vision, and it's going to require our full engagement and maturity. In this sermon, Pastor Adam teaches us from the Scripture that to grow up with time, we must grow up with wisdom.