
Win At Home

Providence, RI

Win at Home: A Beautiful Marriage - Justin Chapman

July 30, 2023 • Justin Chapman

Marriage can be a coin with two very different sides — joy on the one side and pain on the other. The biblical teaching about marriage isn’t ignorant of the pain but rather goes to the source of the pain and redeems it.

Win at Home: Honor Your Parents - Justin Chapman

July 23, 2023 • Justin Chapman

The command to “honor your father and mother” might be more important than we realize. It’s one of the Ten Commandments, which means it was one of the ways Israel would experience blessing and bless the world.

Win At Home: We Teach What We Love - Justin Chapman

July 16, 2023 • Justin Chapman

All parents have a picture of a preferred future for their children. How do we know we’ve got the right picture in mind? In Deuteronomy, Moses preaches to the Israelites, showing them how to pursue God’s picture for their children.