
House Rules

Providence, RI

House Hopes: Change - Justin Chapman

September 17, 2023 • Justin Chapman

As a church we want to see our city and New England changing to look more and more like the kingdom of God. But how does that happen? And what’s our part to play? In this sermon, we look at what it means to walk in the good deeds God has prepared for his people.

House Rules: Grace - Justin Chapman

September 10, 2023 • Justin Chapman

What makes Christianity different to every other faith system in the world? In a word… grace. In this sermon, Pastor Justin explores how grace subverts all our expectations, and how we can bring the good news of grace to others.

House Rules: Truth - Justin Chapman

September 3, 2023 • Justin Chapman

The gospel is good news because it’s a solution to a problem. If you don’t understand the problem, the solution won’t sound like good news. In this sermon we take a deep dive into the problem the gospel addresses. What we discover is that the problem is worse than we ever imagined.