
Set Apart

Providence, RI

Set Apart: Holiness Restored - Quentin Bunnell

January 28, 2024 • Quentin Bunnell

It’s baptism Sunday at Aletheia, and we’re looking at what it means that Jesus is our High Priest. Priests were an important part of keeping holiness going for Israel, but they were flawed. Whether or not we realize it, we treat certain people like priests, but any priest we trust is flawed… except Jesus.

Set Apart: A Life That Pleases God - Justin Chapman

January 21, 2024 • Justin Chapman

How do we measure holiness? Many people think that morality is the measure of holiness. That’s certainly part of it, but Paul describes a holy life as one that pleases God. He also describes where we get the power to live that kind of life.

Set Apart: Dangerous Holiness - Justin Chapman

January 14, 2024 • Justin Chapman

How can a holy God be around an unholy people? In the Bible, when unholy people get around the presence of a holy God, they die… unless there’s atonement. In this sermon, we explore what the atonement sacrifices from the Old Testament point to, and what it means for how people approach God.

Set Apart: God Is Holy - Justin Chapman

Justin Chapman

Another phrase for holiness is “set apart.” Time and again in the Bible, God says that his people must be holy. Understanding holiness begins with understanding the Most Holy One, God himself.