

Cambridge, MA

February 24, 2019 • Donny Fisher

What enables our non-Christian loved ones to accept and believe the Gospel? How does someone experience the transformation of their worldview? How can flawed human beings ever seek to carry out God's work on the Earth? In this final installment of This Is Our Time, Pastor Donny Fisher shows us how Jesus answers all these questions for us through the person of the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to live out God's mission for the sake of those around us.


February 17, 2019 • Adam Mabry

Ministry sounds like something that ministers do, but we can wrongly assume that ministers are only paid professionals, like pastors or church staff. In this sermon, Pastor Adam looks at Ephesians 4, where Paul describes how church leaders are meant to equip disciples for ministry. Leaders do the equipping and all followers of Jesus do the ministry.


February 10, 2019 • Adam Mabry

"There was no king in those days, and everyone did what was right in his own eyes (Judges 21:25)." These words punctuate a horrific period in Israel's history, and yet, they also seem to parallel our modern world. How can we learn to practice true goodness when our world has so many different definitions of "good living?" In this sermon, Pastor Adam shows that it is only by being established in God's Word that humanity has any hope of escaping enslavement to our desires and the freedom to serve a truly good God.


February 3, 2019 • Adam Mabry

Just as an engaged couple is in-between dating and marriage, so we, engaged to Christ as His church, are in-between a broken world and the redeemed world to come. Yet, our engagement isn't static. We're called to prepare for the wedding. In this sermon, Pastor Adam explores how our engagement to Christ calls us to engage with our world for the sake of the Gospel and the coming Kingdom.