
Great Faith Under Great Pressure

Cambridge, MA

January 27, 2019 • Adam Mabry

When he was a member of Pharoah's household, Moses had significant political power, extraordinary pleasures, and treasures beyond what most humans have ever seen. Yet, when God called him to identify with God's people and lead them out of slavery, Moses' faith faced its biggest test. In this sermon, Pastor Adam shows from Hebrews 11 how great faith calls us to withstand great pressure from the myriad temptations the world offers.

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January 20, 2019 • Donny Fisher

Abraham and Sarah received some of God's most incredible promises, but their faith in those promises was tested in extraordinary ways. What do we do when God has declared his promises, but the world makes us doubt? In this sermon, Pastor Donny digs into Hebrews to show us how Great Faith calls us to follow God in the present while focusing on his promise.

Great Faith In The Mundane

January 13, 2019 • Kevin McKenzie

The Bible is filled with faith greats like Abraham, Noah, and Moses. It seems like they accomplished so much for God, and when we compare our faith to theirs, it seems impossible that we could ever measure up. Yet, as Campus and Youth Director Kevin McKenzie shows from the example of Enoch, trusting God with the mundane, everyday tasks of life looks exactly like great faith to the Father.

Great Faith Endures

January 6, 2019 • Adam Mabry

Christianity isn't easy, so what do we do when following a righteous God leads us into challenging and trying circumstances? In this sermon, Pastor Adam looks to Hebrews to show us how truly great faith helps us endure as we give our trust to a God who is truly good.