
Come Away


In the Book of Matthew, you will notice that each time Jesus faced the temptations of the enemy, He drew on the power of the word of God. He drew in close to His Father for the strength He needed for the moment. His time away had prepared Him for the moment He would face down His enemy. What Jesus said in Matthew 4:10 reminds us where our strength comes from: “Get out of here, Satan,” Jesus told him. “For the Scriptures say, ‘You must worship the LORD your God and serve only Him.’”

We must worship the Lord our God. We must serve only Him. More than anything else, we must come away to the place where our strength comes from – time spent alone with our Father, worshipping, and serving Him.
That is why over the course of six weeks, we encourage you to COME AWAY, to eliminate unfruitful distractions, and spend time with the Lord. We’ve created this devotional so that together as a church family, we can prepare our hearts in the secret place for the season that is ahead.

God has asked us to “return to Him” (Jeremiah 15:19). He desires to spend time with us, to talk with us, and to show us things we don’t yet know. He wants to take us deeper.

So, here is our challenge to you: find a spot that will be your place to meet with God every day over the next six weeks. Each day, read the devotion for the week, study the scriptures for the week, and expect God to speak to you. Together we will learn how to come away, how to create the secret place, how to deal with distractions, how to invite His presence, how to be still and know, and how to live from the overflow.

Are you ready? Let’s COME AWAY with God together.