In this message, Pastor John Carter talks about the gathering place of God’s people, is where the manifested glory of God dwells.
Access to His Presence | Evening Session
September 24, 2021 • Pastor Lee Wilson
In this message, Pastor Lee Wilson teaches us how to access the presence of God, and obtain the provision of God.
Dwelling in His Power | Morning Session
September 24, 2021 • Pastor Mark Haywood
In this message, Pastor Mark Haywood teaches that the body of Christ needs to realign itself with God in order to dwell in His power.
Killing Chaos, Walking in Alignment with God | Evening Session
September 23, 2021 • Pastor Rich Longden
What do you do when your life is out of alignment? In this message Pastor Rich Longden helps us see what alignment in God looks like.
Dwell in His Peace | Morning Session
September 23, 2021 • Pastor Pascale Williams
In this message, Pastor Pascale Williams show us what to do when our peace is stolen, and how to get our peace back, and how to remain in it.
Dwell In His Peace | Devotional Guide
September 23, 2021
Today, as you dwell with God, it’s time to let go of things. If there is anything that you are holding onto, that you have yet to give to God, it’s time to give control of that thing back to Him. You will never be able to do what He can do if you will just let it go. And when you do, God can do the work He was just waiting to do. But He
needed you to open your hand and let go. Pray for God to show you how to trust Him fully so you can experience peace.
Protect What God Is Doing | Evening Session
September 22, 2021
In this message, Pastor John Carter explains why it’s important to wait on the Lord and to protect what He is doing.
The Secret Is Out | Morning Session
Pastor Decarto Draper
The secret place is not in a building, but it is under the wings of God Almighty. In this message, Pastor DeCarto Draper explains what he means about the secret place and God’s provision.
Dwell In His Provision | Devotional Guide
Today, as you dwell with God, make a list of all the things that often attract your worry. It could be bills, a job, healing, or even a relationship. Write them all down. These are your needs. Now write out Matt. 6:25 out on the paper. And in big, bold, all caps, write over the list…GOD’S GOT IT! Put that list up somewhere in your house where you can see it every day. And when you feel worry try to creep back, walk over to that list and remind yourself – GOD’S GOT IT!
Dwelling in the Protection of God | Evening Session
September 21, 2021 • Pastor Pascale Williams
In this message, Pastor Pascale Williams talks about fear and death, and how to overcome fear, stay in God's protection and pass through the valley of the shadow of death.
How to Dwell in God's Protection | Morning Session
September 21, 2021 • Kevin & Joe`l Reming
In this message, we learn if we dwell with the Lord, we live under His covering and protection.
Dwell In His Protection | Devotional Guide
Today, as you dwell with God, check the condition of your heart. Are you living with fear? Ask yourself what you are really afraid of. In order to confront fear, you have to understand and acknowledge it first. Then pray for God to help you release that fear to Him. Cast all your care on Lord, because He cares for you. And He is strong enough to protect you, always.
Blessed are Those Who Dwell | Evening Session
September 20, 2021 • Pastor John Carter
In this message we learn that where ever we are at in our lives, God is with us, dwelling with us and we have His blessing.
Dwell In His Presence | Devotional Guide
Today, as you dwell with God, fill your sukkah and all your spaces with worship. Worship invites God’s presence to fill the space we are in, and worship helps us to feel His presence. Remember, access to His presence is your right. Allow worship to help experience His presence today.