The Chosen Series - Sending the Chosen
November 24, 2024 • Pastor L-Jay Johnson • Matthew 9:35–38, Matthew 10:1–5, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Matthew 8:28, Matthew 10:5–8
The four-part sermon series, "The Chosen," explores the transformative journey of Jesus' disciples as they respond to his call, are shaped by his teachings, sent out to minister in his name, and encouraged by his promises of the coming kingdom. Through several key passages in Matthew's gospel, we witness the disciples' progression from ordinary individuals to chosen vessels of Christ's grace, empowered to proclaim the Gospel, advance his kingdom, and endure in faithfulness amidst opposition.
In this third week of the Chosen series the sermon will be brought by Pastor L-Jay Johnson. With Jesus' commissioning of his disciples in Matthew 10, we are reminded of the calling and preparation that precedes our mission as chosen ones of Christ. Just as Jesus called his disciples to himself, shaping them through an intimate relationship and compassionate ministry, so too does he send us out into the world, equipped with his authority and empowered by his Spirit. May we embrace the call to follow, the call to ministry, and the call to endure; trusting in God's provision and presence every step of the way.