"Ushpizin": The Mystery of "Yaakov the Min" and the Talmud
October 13, 2019 • Rabbi Itzhak Shapira and Guest
Join Rabbi Itzhak Shapira for a daily Shiur under the Sukkah in honor of Sukkot 5780. Who is "Yaakov the Min" ? what can we learn from voices of Ancient Messianic Judaism? What can we learn about the Talmud? Tune in to a special Shiur with Rabbi Itzhak Shapira and special guest Eldad Keynan.
The 4 Minim
October 12, 2017 • Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
What is the connection with the 4 Minim and the body of MaShiach? Tune in for a special teaching for Sukkot with Rabbi Itzhak Shapira.
The Lulav
Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
What is the connection between the Lulav and Sukkot? Tune in!
The Rejected Messiah
Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
What is the connection between the Rejected Messiah To Sukkot! Tune in!
The Trinity
Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
What is the connection between "The Trinity" and to the Sukkot? Tune in!
The Galut
Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
What is the connection between the Sukkot and the Exile? Tune in!
The transfiguration of MaShiach and Mt. Tabor
October 19, 2016 • Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
Join R' Shapira for a live lesson from Mount Tabor for Sukkot for Acharit Hayamim. More information at http://www.ahavatammi.org
Are you "B-E-Y-A-C-H-A-D"?
October 17, 2016 • Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
Watch special message for 5777 by Rabbi Shapira. What is BEYACHAD ביחד and what it has to do with sukkot and the Geulah of our people. Visit us at http://www.ahavatammi.org or partner with us at http://www.fundly.com/ahavatammiministries . Also download our Mobile application for iPhone or Android under the name "Ahavat Ammi".
Nes Gadol Haya Po!
October 18, 2014 • Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
Watch Rabbi Itzhak Shapira in a transformational and urgent message to the nations during Sukkot