As we observe and celebrate today Israel 70th Birthday, allow me to give you a point to consider. What makes Israel strong? Is it our F-16? Is it the Jewish Mind? Is it the fact that we control Hollywood or wall-street ? Actually, the answer is NO! To all of the above. The answer is found in one word מוסר (Musar). Tune in and discover the real secret of the Jewish people.
"The Muslim Yeshua"
April 28, 2016 • Avraham Shalom Shapira
The event that is known as the "Farhud" brought great calamities upon the Iraqi Jewish community in parallel to the Holocaust. Listen to the incredible story by Avraham Shalom Shapira as he shares the incredible act by "The Muslim Yeshua".
The untold story of Razhi
April 3, 2016 • Avraham Shalom Shapira
The Farhud Shaken the Jewish World in Iraq in 1941. Join Story Teller Avraham Shalom Shapira as he shares for the first time in public the Story of Razahi
Yom HaShoah Special: From Horror to Hope
August 24, 2012 • Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
Join Rabbi Shapira in a special Yom HaShoah special on Daystar TV.
My Yom HaShoah family Story
May 1, 2011 • Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
Listen to Rabbi Shapira Shares in Y"H Service as he shares his family story in their memory.