What is Gmilut Chasadim, and how can we hasten the Geulah in these last days? What is the connection to Purim? Tune in for a special live teachings from the MJAA SW Conference . Visit us at http://www.ahavatammi.org
"Destined for Greatness"
March 9, 2017 • Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
Join Rabbi Shapira as he uncovers a great mystery from the story of the story of Purim. Who is Moredcai, Esther, and why the name of G-D is not mentioned in the Megillah, the answer will shock you! Join Rabbi Shapira for this life changing teaching. You can learn more at http://www.ahavatammi.org or visit us at Yeshivat Shuvu http://www.shuvu.tv . To support this broadcast you can go to http://www.fundly.com/ahavatammiministries
The Real Megilah Story
March 23, 2016 • Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
Join Rabbi Shapira for a special in-depth teachings from Megilat Esther to Yochanan 15. The story of Megilat Esther carries in it many incredible prophetic vision, but it all boils down to one word: שמחה S'imcha. Join R' Shapira for an incredible teachings from the Megilah.
The Jewish Besorah!
Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
The Entire Gospel can be found in Megilat Esther, Join Rabbi Shapira for a special lesson from the Megilah in this end-times teachings