Join Rabbi Itzhak Shapira for a special prophetic message for the special days that are known as "Between the Meytzarim" as we continue the series between the 17th of Tammuz to 9th of Av. To learn more visit us at or Yeshivat Shuvu at
Between the Meytzarim
July 1, 2018 • Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
A Special message for 17th of Tammuz until the 9th of Av:
Join Rabbi Itzhak Shapira for a special prophetic message for the special days that are known as "Between the Meytzarim" . To learn more visit us at or Yeshivat Shuvu at
9th of AV Special: Are you "The Man" (or Women) ?
August 1, 2017 • Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
What is the meaning behind the book of Lamentations , why is it starting with the word Echa איכה in Hebrew? Tune in for a special 9th of AV special.
A Jewish Cry in a Gentile World: Are YOU Edom?
August 6, 2016 • Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
Join Rabbi Shapira for "Acharit Hayamim" prophetic Message from Numbers 33 and Isaiah 63. Not to be missed For more information go to or write us at . To support this broadcast go to .
A Divine warning from G-D
July 24, 2016 • Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
The 17th Of Tammuz is a dark day in Jewish history and a fast day. Join Rabbi Shapira to a Prophetic lesson for this holy day with a serious warning to the body of Messiah.
The Birth of The Messiah
July 26, 2015 • Rabbi Itzhak Shapira
What is the Prophetic connection between the 9th of Av and the Birth of the Messiah? Join Rabbi Shapira for a special lesson straight from the pages of our sages.