Join Rabbi Shapira, from Ahavat Ammi and Yeshivat Shuvu, and Pastor Raul Rubio, from Kehilat Yovel and Yeshivat Shuvu Español, in this study on Parashat Bereshit.
Comentario de la Parashát Bereshit año 5779 con el Moré Julio Rubio (Dudu)
Join Alezur CabezaPerez, from Yeshivat Shuvu, in this study on Parashat Bereshit.
Join Rabbi Shapira for a special teachings from Korea to recap the entire the book of Genesis, the theme, and the shocking conclusion
Join Rabbi Shapira for a special teachings from Korea as he discuss the purpose and goal for YOUR Life straight from Genesis chapter 1-3 .
Live Pearls of Torah about Genesis 1:2 from Korea