Join Alezur CabezaPerez, from Yeshivat Shuvu, in this study on Parashat Nitzavim.
Join Rabbi Itzhak Shapira with special Guest Johnathan Bernis the CEO of Jewish Voice International for a special live episode of Pearls of the Torah where we will discuss the special theme of this week portion. Ahavat Ammi Ministries is a Jewish Israeli organization that is focused on Kiruv between the Jewish Messiah and the Jewish people. To support us go to or write us visit us at or our Yeshiva at
Special lesson live from Israel from Parashat Netzavim about the importance of entering the covenant with the right understanding and expectations.
What is D'evekot, and how do you know which Torah to follow? Special live teachings from the Land of Israel on the weekly Parasha.