Join Alezur CabezaPerez, from Yeshivat Shuvu, in this study on Parashat Tzav.
Join Julio "Dudu" Rubio, from Yeshivat Shuvu Espanol, in this study on Parashat Tzav entitled "The Offering that brings peace to the world"
Parashat Tzav mentions the term קורבן העולה , what is special and unique about the words "Korban HaOlah", and what does it have to do with the coming of the MaShiach to Israel? Find out in a special Pearls of Torah!
What is the Emet אמת Principle and what we can learn about the real purpose of the Torah in a Messianic Context. The Answer is found shockingly in Parashat Tzav. Join Rabbi Shapira for an Incredible Lesson from the weekly Torah Portion.
Parashat Tzav represent a special "Draft day Call" for all believers. How can we answer G-D's call in the last days?