Join Julio "Dudu" Rubio, from Yeshivat Shuvu Spanish and Kehilat Yovel in Bogota, in this study on Parashat Bamidbar where he asks the question "What Banner are You Under?"
Parashat Bamidbar is full of numbers; what do all of these numbers mean and what does it have to do with the season of Shavuot? Join Rabbi Shapira for a prophetic message from Jerusalem.
The divinity of the MaShiach is the central question that captures the heart of Jews and Gentiles alike. What the Torah , the sages, the midrash, and even the Zohar have to say about this question? Tune in for unforgettable pearls of Torah. To partner with us go to or visit us at Yeshivat Shuvu at or
Join R' Shapira for a special live Midrash from the weekly portion, recorded in Ahavat Ammi Synagogue.
Why is the Torah given in the Desert and why the book is called במדבר , Join Rabbi Shapira for another life changing lesson.