
Good Friday Service

March 29, 2024 • Pastor Andrew Hamilton

Tonight, on Good Friday, we will remember the many ways that Jesus experienced hardship as he walked his last days on earth. There were 7 experiences the bible teaches that Jesus went through that show just how profound the suffering he experienced was. This look through the last days of Jesus will lead you to a different way of living for it shows each of us an important aspect of the heart of God and his willingness to bring goodness and holiness to not just us, but the whole world. Join us on Friday,  March 29th at 6pm. We will have a special guest, Julie Elroy, who will demonstrate the creative arts and worshipping God through the art of painting, as we explore these seven experiences. The final product of the painting will be sold and the proceeds will be used to help cover the medical expenses of Levi Hamilton during his cancer recovery. We hope to see you there.

#4 Easter: Why Does It Matter? Sunday, March 31, 2024

March 31, 2024 • Pastor Andrew Hamilton

For Christians, EVERYTHING hinges on the Resurrection of Jesus. Easter, in many ways, is the Superbowl of Sundays for followers of Jesus!   This Sunday, we’ll be answering the question: Easter: Why Does It Matter? We hope that you’ll join us this weekend!

#3 Why Is The Church Important?

March 24, 2024 • Pastor Andrew Hamilton • Hebrews 10:24–25, Ecclesiastes 4:9–12, Acts 15:4–19, Luke 18:35–43

The Bible is very clear: Christians are to belong to a church – to belong to the body of Christ. That word, “belong” is kind of a tricky word, because it means more than “just show up as often as you can on Sundays.” We use the word “belong” the same way you would if you were saying you belong to your family. When you belong to your family, it doesn’t mean you just show up to be fed when you are hungry, rest when you’re tired, and use the family name for applications when needed. This weekend, we’re looking to answer the question: Why is the Church important? Why would God create and use a group of fallen people to accomplish changing the hearts of the people of the world? The Big Idea for the weekend is: Jesus calls us to live the life of faith with other believers!   We hope that you will join us this weekend at 10am!

#2: Why Should I Tell Others?

March 17, 2024 • Pastor Andrew Hamilton • John 3:16, Matthew 28:19–20, Mark 2:1–12, 1 Peter 2:8–10, Luke 19:10

Some things about being a Christian seem to get easier and more natural the longer we know Jesus: reading the Bible, going to church, praying out loud. However, one area that usually doesn't get easier, and may even become harder is sharing our faith. For many of us, no matter how long we have known Jesus, the thought of telling people about Him sends a shiver down our spines.! This week in Rooted, we'll be learning about the importance of effectively sharing our story with others!