
#1 - Co:Mission

April 11, 2021 • Pastor Andrew Hamilton • Luke 24:46–53, Acts 1:8–9, Matthew 28:18–20

God specializes in resetting. Throughout the scriptures we see God resetting His people. We see it from Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. We see it with Noah and with Moses. The crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus…a reset. Resetting is what God does best.

The good news is the resetting is always for our benefit and for His glory. Sometimes the opportunity to reset is grace. Our struggle is that we always want to go back to the familiar instead of into the unknown. But resets aren’t about going back to the normal comforts of what we knew, but instead, a reset puts things back to the way they are supposed to be. As followers of Jesus, we have to move in the direction that God is leading us instead of moving back to where we use to be. We have to reset.

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