
Dream Again Part 2

Part 2

April 21, 2024 • Pastor Matt Young • Hebrews 11:8–10, Jeremiah 29:11, Acts 2:14–17, Ephesians 1:11–12, Romans 4:11–12

Welcome back, beloved community of Access Church, as we continue our inspiring journey with "Dream Again Part 2," delivered by Pastor Matt. In our last gathering, we rekindled the embers of dreams placed in our hearts by God. Today, we delve deeper, exploring how these divine dreams transform us and guide us towards a future crafted by God Himself.

God has designed us not just to live but to thrive, connecting our lives to extraordinary dreams that propel us from ordinary existence to extraordinary impact. We're reminded that to lead a truly great life, we must commit to a great dream—one that stretches beyond our abilities and requires divine intervention to fulfill. These dreams aren't just aspirations; they are holy callings that align us with God’s magnificent plans for our lives.

In today's sermon, we will explore the profound narrative of Abraham, a man who embraced God's seemingly impossible dream at the age of 75. His journey was marked not by the certainty of his circumstances but by the certainty of God’s promises. Abraham's story teaches us that God-given dreams often look impossible, inviting us to step beyond the possible into the realm of divine possibilities.

As we engage with Scripture, from Acts 2 to Ephesians 1, we learn that the Holy Spirit speaks to us through dreams and visions, especially in these last days. These dreams are not remnants of sleep but vivid, prophetic insights that shape our reality and our responses to God's calls.

Today, we will uncover several key steps to discerning and embracing the God-given dreams for our lives:

1. Seeking Clarity in Identity: Recognizing who we are in Christ is the foundation of understanding our life's


2. Embracing the Growth Mindset: God’s dreams push us to grow beyond our current state, preparing us for

what He has planned next.

3. Intentional Living: Daily aligning our thoughts and actions with the divine blueprint of our lives, changing

how we think, speak, and ultimately act.

Furthermore, Romans 4 teaches us the importance of having role models like Abraham, whose faith in God's promises against all odds provides a template for our own journey of faith. His life was a series of obedient steps towards realizing a dream that was humanly impossible but divinely ordained.

Today, as we look forward, let us remember Jeremiah 29:11, where God promises plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. Our dreams, inspired by God, are not just for our benefit but are designed to transform us and through us, to impact the world.

As we dream again, let us dream boldly, with the confidence that our dreams are not just our own but are part of a grander vision orchestrated by God. Dream big, for the God we serve is infinitely greater than anything we can imagine. Let's allow our dreams to pull us forward, leading us closer to the reality God has prepared for us.

Get ready to be challenged and changed as Pastor Matt unfolds these divine truths, empowering us to not only dream again but to live fully in the reality of God's dream for us. Let us step into this journey with open hearts and expectant spirits, ready to embrace the extraordinary plans God has for each of us.

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