
Tell Me The Story Week 1

April 7, 2024 • Pastor Ron Hoffman

Understanding Temptation: A Reflection on Christ's Victory


the journey of faith, understanding the nature of temptation and the victory we

have in Jesus is fundamental. This reflection delves into the profound

encounter of Jesus with temptation, showcasing not only His triumph but also

His empathy towards our struggles. Through the lens of scripture, particularly Matthew

3:16-17 and Luke 4:1-13, we are invited to explore the depth of

Jesus' experience and its implications for our lives today.

The Victory in

the Wilderness


temptation in the wilderness, as detailed in Luke 4:1-13, reveals the

intensity of the battle He faced. After fasting for 40 days, Jesus encountered

Satan's cunning attempts to lead Him astray. Yet, in every instance, Jesus

countered with the truth of Scripture, demonstrating His unwavering commitment

to God's will. This encounter underscores the reality that temptation is a

universal experience, yet through Jesus, we have a model of steadfastness and

reliance on God's word.

The Significance

of Jesus' Baptism


baptism of Jesus, recorded in Matthew 3:16-17, marks a pivotal moment in

His ministry. As the heavens opened and the Spirit descended like a dove, the

voice of the Father affirmed Jesus as His beloved Son. This divine endorsement

and the subsequent temptation underscore Jesus' humanity and divinity,

highlighting His unique role as the mediator between God and man. It reminds us

that Jesus, fully God and fully man, embarked on a mission to redeem humanity,

armed with the authority and blessing of the Father.

The Power of

Identity and Purpose


to overcoming temptation is understanding our identity and purpose in Christ.

Jesus' victory over temptation was rooted in His clear sense of identity as

God's Son and His unwavering commitment to His mission. This teaches us that

knowing who we are in Christ and why we are here is vital in navigating the

challenges and temptations of life. It calls us to remember our divine adoption

as children of God and to live out our calling with conviction and purpose.

Embracing the

Lessons of Temptation


story of Jesus' temptation offers more than historical insight; it provides

practical lessons for our spiritual journey. It encourages us to immerse

ourselves in Scripture, to anchor our identity in Christ, and to live with a

sense of divine mission. In facing temptation, we are not alone; Jesus has gone

before us, demonstrating the path to victory and offering His strength and

wisdom for the journey.

The Call to

Faithful Endurance

Reflecting on Jesus' encounter with temptation challenges

us to embrace our trials as opportunities for growth and deeper reliance on

God. It reminds us that in every moment of weakness, we have a High Priest who

understands our struggles and offers His grace to overcome. As we navigate the

complexities of life, let us hold fast to the truth of Scripture, the certainty

of our identity in Christ, and the assurance of His victory over sin and


Tell Me The Story Week 5

May 12, 2024 • Pastor Ron Hoffman

The Essence of True Worship: Beyond Traditions and Rituals In the heart of Christian discipleship lies the essence of true worship—a worship that transcends rituals and traditions to touch the very core of our relationship with God. This reflection delves into the profound message of Christ's teaching, emphasizing the importance of a worship that is genuine and rooted in love rather than mere outward expressions. Confronting Empty Rituals The story of Jesus challenging the Pharisees over their adherence to ritual without heart reveals a critical aspect of spiritual life. The Pharisees were criticized for their emphasis on external practices like hand washing (Mark 7:1-23) while neglecting the deeper, moral imperatives that those rituals symbolized. This encounter underscores the danger of allowing tradition to overshadow the true essence of our faith—love and obedience to God. Jesus' pointed question, "Why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?" challenges us to examine whether our worship is truly honoring to God or simply a fulfillment of human-imposed rules. The Heart of the Matter: Internal Purity Jesus emphasized that true defilement is not a matter of external uncleanliness but arises from within the heart. He stated, "What comes out of a person is what defiles them," highlighting that evil thoughts and actions are the true measure of one’s spiritual state. This teaching redirects our focus from superficial purity to the transformation of the heart, urging believers to cultivate inner righteousness that reflects through their actions and words. The Role of Tradition in Spiritual Life While traditions themselves are not inherently negative and can often provide meaningful expressions of faith, Jesus’ teaching reminds us that they should not become the primary focus of our worship. Instead, they should point us towards a deeper relationship with God, enhancing our understanding and expression of faith without replacing the heartfelt devotion that God desires. Living Out True Worship The call to authentic worship involves more than just attending church services or following religious protocols; it is about living out the principles of love, justice, and mercy in every aspect of life. It challenges believers to reflect on how they can embody the love of Christ in their interactions with others, in their pursuit of justice, and in their expressions of mercy. Embracing the Heart of Worship This exploration of what it means to truly worship God invites believers to strip away the layers of empty tradition and rediscover the heart of their faith. It calls us to a deeper, more genuine relationship with God, where our practices and traditions are infused with true meaning and directed by a heart fully committed to God. As we reflect on our own practices, let us seek to align our hearts with God’s desires, ensuring that our worship is not only pleasing in His sight but transformative in our lives and the lives of those around us.

Tell Me The Story Week 4

May 5, 2024 • Pastor Ron Hoffman

The Journey Through Trials to Triumph: A Testimony of Faith and Provision In the narrative of life, where challenges and hardships are inevitable, the Christian faith shines a light on the power of God's provision and the importance of relentless trust in His plans. This exploration delves into the transformative journey of faith, highlighting how adversity can lead to unforeseen blessings and deeper spiritual insight. Facing Life's Storms with Resilience Life's trials often come unexpectedly, testing our faith and resilience. The story of Nora, a woman who faced immense personal adversity, including a devastating divorce after a long marriage, exemplifies how life can throw the unexpected at us. Yet, it is in these moments of apparent defeat that the potential for significant spiritual growth and reliance on God's provision becomes most evident. Nora's journey from the depths of despair to a place of profound faith and dependence on God underscores the scriptural promise found in Philippians 4:19: "And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus." The Role of Community and Scripture in Overcoming Adversity As Nora navigated her trials, the role of her faith community and the scriptures became her sustenance. Through the support of her church and the relentless study of God's Word, she found the strength to rebuild her life and eventually thrive, moving beyond her past to a future filled with hope and new beginnings. This transformation highlights the importance of a supportive faith community and the power of scripture in providing comfort and guidance during life's most challenging times. Witnessing God's Provision Through Generosity Nora's story also speaks to the miraculous provision of God when we commit to trusting Him fully. Despite having minimal resources, Nora's life was marked by generosity and faith. Her commitment to God's word and her community eventually led to unforeseen blessings, including a successful career and the ability to travel the world, illustrating the principle that when we give selflessly, God replenishes our stores, often in ways we could never anticipate. The Impact of Faithful Witness Nora's legacy is a testament to the impact one life can have when anchored in faith and guided by the scriptures. Her story is not just about overcoming adversity but about the ripple effects of her faith on those around her, including her family and community. It is a powerful reminder of how a life lived in faithful witness to God’s love and provision can inspire and uplift others. Embracing God's Narrative in Our Lives The narrative of Nora’s life encourages us to view our trials through the lens of faith, recognizing them as opportunities for growth and increased reliance on God. It calls us to be active participants in God’s narrative, where each challenge is met with faith, each act of generosity is a seed planted, and every trial is a testament to God’s unfailing provision and love.

Tell Me The Story Week 3

April 28, 2024 • Pastor Ron Hoffman

The Power of Healing: Exploring Jesus' Miraculous Interventions The Gospels provide numerous accounts of Jesus' miracles, which not only demonstrate His divine power but also His deep compassion for humanity. Among these, the stories of healing are particularly moving, showcasing His ability to restore not just physical health but also to mend the spiritual and emotional rifts caused by illness and suffering. Jesus' Authority Over Illness The accounts in Mark 5:21-43 vividly depict Jesus' authority over physical ailments through the healing of a woman suffering from chronic bleeding and the resurrection of Jairus' daughter. These miracles are significant not only for their immediate impact on the individuals involved but also for their demonstration of Jesus' power to intervene in seemingly hopeless situations. By His word or touch, illness is reversed, and life is restored, confirming His identity as the Son of God. Theological Significance of Miraculous Healings These healings are not just acts of compassion; they are profound theological statements. They affirm that Jesus is the Lord over life and death, reinforcing the Christian understanding that through Him, the brokenness of the fallen world is being redeemed. These miracles are signs pointing to the ultimate healing that comes through His death and resurrection, offering a foretaste of the complete restoration that awaits in God's kingdom. Contemporary Reflections on Divine Healing While the miraculous healings performed by Jesus were specific to His earthly ministry, they invite believers today to reflect on the nature of God's power and His will in the realm of healing. Scriptures like John 6:38, where Jesus states, "For I have come down from heaven not to do my own will but to do the will of him who sent me," remind us that our prayers for healing are subject to God's sovereign will. This acknowledgment helps frame our understanding of prayer and divine intervention in our lives today. Faith and Healing in Modern Times The role of faith in the context of healing is a dynamic and often debated topic within Christian communities. Faith is fundamentally an acknowledgment of Jesus' authority and a trust in His good and perfect will, whether it results in physical healing or not. As believers, our faith is in God's character and His promises, not merely in the outcomes we desire. This perspective helps maintain a balanced view of God's power and His purposes, especially when prayers for healing are not answered in the ways we expect. Embracing God's Sovereignty in Healing Reflecting on Jesus' healing miracles encourages believers to trust deeply in God's sovereignty and His compassionate presence in all circumstances. It challenges us to pray with earnestness, seeking His intervention while submitting to His greater wisdom and timing. In doing so, we live out our faith in a God who heals, comforts, and sustains us through all of life's trials, embodying the hope and resilience that come from trusting in Jesus, the ultimate Healer.