
Old News: Week 2

January 14, 2024 • Pastor Ron Hoffman

# Rediscovering Our First Love in a Changing World

As believers navigating the complexities of modern life, we are faced with the challenge of staying true to our first love — Jesus Christ. The current state of the church, as reflected in "Old News Week 2," serves as a reminder of the importance of this enduring commitment.

### The Modern Church: Challenges and Distractions

Today, the church faces numerous challenges, from social and political issues to doctrinal distortions. It's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of headlines and controversies, losing sight of our core mission and first love. The sermon highlights how these distractions can lead us away from the essence of our faith.

### The Loss of First Love

Revelation speaks to the church of Ephesus about losing its first love. This poignant message is equally relevant today. In the hustle of church activities and social engagement, there's a risk of drifting away from the passionate love for Christ that should be at the heart of our faith.

### Counterfeit Loves and Distorted Messages

The sermon warns against the danger of counterfeit loves — beliefs or practices that seem religious but actually lead us away from the truth of the Gospel. This includes prosperity gospels and other teachings that prioritize personal gain over selfless love for God and others.

### The Call to Repentance and Renewal

In the face of these challenges, the sermon calls for a time of reflection and repentance. It's an invitation to return to our first love, to rediscover the joy and passion


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Old News Week 7

February 18, 2024 • Pastor Ron Hoffman

The Great White Throne Judgment In Revelation 20:7-15, we're presented with the scene of the Great White Throne Judgment, a pivotal moment where the final destiny of every soul is determined. This passage highlights the defeat of Satan, followed by the judgment of the dead, great and small, standing before God. Books are opened, including the Book of Life, and individuals are judged according to their deeds. This moment underscores the gravity of our earthly lives, reminding us that our actions carry eternal weight and consequence. The New Heaven and New Earth Following this judgment, Revelation 21 introduces us to the vision of a new heaven and a new earth, where God resides among His people, wiping away every tear, and eradicating death, mourning, crying, and pain. This future reality offers believers the hope of eternal peace and fellowship with God, free from the sin and suffering that mar our current existence. Living in Light of Eternity The anticipation of these future events compels us to live with a sense of purpose and urgency. Knowing that our choices have eternal implications encourages us to pursue a life of faithfulness, holiness, and active engagement in God’s mission. It's a call to align our lives with the values of God's coming kingdom, ensuring we are among those who inherit this eternal promise. This contemplation of the final judgment and the hope of a new creation invites believers to consider their spiritual readiness and to embrace the assurance found in Jesus Christ. It underscores the importance of living with an eternal perspective, committed to the gospel and the unfolding story of God's redemptive plan for humanity and creation.

Old News Week 6

February 11, 2024 • Pastor Ron Hoffman

The Millennium: Christ's Reign on Earth Revelation 20 unveils a future where Christ returns to establish His kingdom on earth, a period marked by peace, justice, and the restoration of God's creation. This era follows the tumultuous events of the Tribulation and heralds a time when Satan is bound, eliminating his influence over the nations for a thousand years. The Millennium embodies the fulfillment of God's promises, showcasing His sovereignty and the establishment of His righteous rule through Christ. The First Resurrection and Reign with Christ A pivotal aspect of this era is the first resurrection, where those who have remained faithful, even unto death, are brought to life to reign with Christ. This resurrection is not just a revival of life but a testament to the victory over death and sin, as those who partake in it are deemed blessed and holy. It signifies a new beginning for the martyrs and saints, who will serve alongside Christ in this new kingdom, embodying the priestly role they've been granted. This period is a testament to the ultimate triumph of God's kingdom and the restoration of harmony within creation. Reflections on Divine Justice and the Final Judgment The Millennium also sets the stage for the final judgment, a time when God's justice will be fully realized. This period reminds us of the importance of living in anticipation of Christ's return and the establishment of His eternal kingdom. It challenges believers to reflect on their own spiritual readiness and commitment to God's sovereign plan. Living with Anticipation and Preparedness The anticipation of the Millennium and Christ's reign should inspire believers to live with a sense of purpose and readiness, striving for holiness and actively participating in God's mission. It's a call to embody the values of the kingdom today, in anticipation of the full realization of God's justice and mercy in the age to come.

Old News Week 5

February 4, 2024 • Pastor Ron Hoffman

The Urgency of Understanding the Tribulation The Tribulation, a prophesied period of unparalleled calamities and divine judgment, is outlined in scripture, particularly in Revelation 6 and Daniel 9:27. This era, heralded by the rise of the Antichrist, will usher in a series of devastating global events. These predictions underscore the critical need for spiritual preparedness among believers, anticipating a time that will test faith and resolve like never before. Spiritual Preparedness in a Time of Judgment The sudden onset of the Tribulation, likened to the days of Noah and Lot as described in Luke 17:26-30, serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance in our spiritual lives. This historical parallel emphasizes the necessity for both personal and communal readiness, urging us to cultivate a state of constant preparedness for the challenges that lie ahead. The Role of Repentance and Witness Amidst the foretold divine judgments, the scripture articulates a clear call to repentance, particularly through the sealing of 144,000 witnesses and the mission of two prophetic witnesses in Revelation. These divine interventions underscore the importance of turning back to God and fulfilling our role as witnesses to His grace and salvation, demonstrating the transformative power of repentance in leading others towards eternal salvation. Concluding Reflections on God's Righteousness and Grace The exploration of biblical prophecies concerning the Tribulation highlights God's unyielding righteousness and the certainty of His judgment. Yet, it also illuminates the boundless grace available through Jesus Christ, compelling believers to lead lives marked by holiness, proactive witness, and the fervent sharing of the Gospel. This period of tribulation, though daunting, calls us to live with heightened awareness and commitment to God's sovereign plan, ensuring we are spiritually equipped for the times to come.