

The Testimony of Jesus Christ

March 31, 2024 • Joel Phillips • 1 Corinthians 15:3–9

Bold Obedience

March 24, 2024 • Quinton Goza

Bold Words

March 17, 2024 • Joel Phillips • 2 Corinthians 3:12, Acts 4:28–33

Bold Prayers

March 10, 2024 • Joel Phillips • Acts 4:28–33

Digging Deeper... Reviewing this message during the week helps you turn what God is saying to you into action steps. Read Acts 4:23-37 1. In this passage, Peter and John prayed bold prayers before God that led to bold results. 2. How would you describe the way you typically pray? In what ways do your prayers reflect what you believe about God? 3. What stood out to you about bold prayers after reading Peter and John’s prayers in Acts 4? 4. When was the last time you were amazed by the power of prayer? How did that experience affect your relationship with God? 5. Why do you think prayers become bolder when they prayed together in a group? 6. What’s keeping you from changing small prayers into bold prayers? 7. What bold prayers do you need to start praying today? 8. Peter and John’s prayers led to bold results. What bold results would you like to see come from your bold prayers? 9. What impact do you think it would have on your church if everyone began praying bold prayers? 10. In what ways have you seen the power of bold prayers build your faith in Christ?

Amazing Boldness

March 3, 2024 • Joel Phillips • Acts 3:12–20, Acts 4:1–4, Acts 4:7–18, Acts 3:1–9

--> Digging Deeper Mini-Study Read Acts 4:1-22. In this passage, Peter and John exhibit such boldness before the Sanhedrin that it tremendously impacted those around them. 1. What can you learn about being bold for Christ from Peter and John’s example in Acts 4? 2. Peter and John were ordinary people who spoke and acted with boldness. How do you think being bolder for Christ would impact you and your relationship with God? 3. How would you rate your current level of boldness? What’s keeping you from being bold? 4. In what areas of life do you most need more boldness? 5. Describe a time when you were bold. What was the outcome of your boldness and what did you learn from it? 6. Who could benefit from your being bold for Christ? 7. Who would you describe as being amazingly bold for Christ? What about their boldness inspires you? 8. As Jesus builds your faith, your boldness will also grow. What steps do you need to take immediately to grow your faith?