
15. On Judas' Kiss, Eden Today, and the Holy Spirit

With Howard Bennett

September 9, 2020

Why did Judas choose to kiss Jesus as the sign? Why would he choose to show such affection in the moment that he gave Jesus up? What happened to the Garden of Eden? Is the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament? Where?

On Addressing Fathers and Not Mothers in Ephesians 6

December 28, 2023 • Douglas Allison, Greg Scheideman

Douglas Allison and Greg Scheideman discuss the question, "Why didn't Paul address the mothers in Ephesians 6 like the fathers?"

On Repentance

December 21, 2023 • Douglas Allison, Greg Scheideman

Douglas Allison and Greg Scheideman discuss the question, "How do I know if I'm repentant?"

On Glorifying God with Our Thoughts

November 23, 2023 • Nolan Games, Douglas Allison

Nolan Games and Douglas Allison discuss the question, "How do I glorify God with my thoughts?"