
What Happens When Christians Say "No"?

August 9, 2020

All across America a crisis of freedom is taking place. Business owners, singled out for opening despite government shut down orders, are being fined and even thrown in jail. Physicians speaking out about the efficacy of Hydroxy Chloroquine in treating their own COVID-19 patients are being fired and losing their doctor’s licenses. Citizens are being fined for refusing to wear a mask.

It’s clear our first amendment rights of free speech and life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are not only under fire-they’re extinguishing before our very eyes.

Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer and perhaps you’re wondering when the proverbial line in the sand must be drawn by Christians who are being pressed to abide by protocols and mandates that are unjust and based on political bias, not scientific facts or Constitutional limitations.

There comes a time when a Christian must say, “no”. No more church shutdowns. No more silence on the lies and misinformation being sold to Americans, no more masks, and no more closing of schools!

These are just a few of the things hosts Isaac Crockett, Sam Rohrer and Gary Dull will be talking about on this program.