
Monday, May 16, 2022 - Loving God Series: Loving God Needs God's Love

May 16, 2022

Do you know what it means to love? Many people say they love God, but don’t do what God says or know what God loves. It’s time we understand. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American Pastors Network and another Stand in the Gap Minute. In I John 4:8, the Bible says that God is love. This kind of love is unique. It’s agape love. The type of self-sacrificing love that’s demonstrated by God Himself who loved the world so much He sent His only Son -Jesus Christ – to die for our sins as a perfect sacrifice – demonstrating that God is truly the standard setter for true love. Loving God and others with this kind of love is only possible after personally experiencing God’s love by trusting in Jesus Christ. Can you truly love God? Have you experienced God’s love through Jesus Christ? Join with us at Stand in the gap radio and tv in understanding where loving God and others really starts. Visit us at American pastors network dot net