
I Love My Church's Teamwork

September 22, 2019 • Ryan Vernon

Micheal Jordan is quoted as saying, "Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships." At 902 Church we believe that shared responsibility honors God and empowers the church. And when we all help "carry the load" of ministry amazing things happen!

I Love My Church's Mission

September 15, 2019 • Ryan Vernon

We exist to reach people who are far from God and lead them to an intimate relationship with Jesus. In this message, Pastor Ryan reminds us that it is our job to do whatever it takes, short of sin, to reach people who are far from God.

I Love My Church's Motivation

September 8, 2019 • Ryan Vernon

At 902 Church we believe that whoever finds Jesus finds life, hope, and purpose. In this message, Pastor Ryan teaches 3 essential principles that drive the ministry of 902 Church. Because ultimately, what God has done for us motivates us to do something for God.