Merry Christmas and God bless you! 'Tis the season to remember all that the birth of Jesus has given us - faith, hope, love and peace. Peace on Earth and good will towards you!
The Love of Jesus
December 18, 2022 • Pastor Deidre Jones
'Tis the season to celebrate Jesus and the reason in this Sunday's message is His love for us! Everything we do and receive should be through His love so that we can give His love to others!
Hope in Jesus
December 11, 2022 • Pastor Deidre Jones
'Tis the Season to celebrate Jesus! This week the reason is hope. Because of Jesus we can have a hope in new life, the promises of God and our salvation.
Faith in Jesus
December 4, 2022 • Pastor Deidre Jones
'Tis the Season to celebrate Jesus - our only reason for everything! In this first Christmas message come and behold Him and learn to walk in faith for all the promises of God given to us through the birth of Jesus.