
Welcome to When the Bible Wasn't There

June 12, 2020 • Josh Kranenburg, Marco Alonso

This is the introduction to our podcast series from Reflective Ministries! We hope you join us on this journey of re-discovering God in our daily lives.

What Have You Done?

November 12, 2021 • Josh Kranenburg, Marco Alonso • 1 Samuel 15, 1 Samuel 13, 1 Samuel 14

This week Josh and Marco talk about the fall of a King . This weeks episode is based on 1 Samuel chapters 13 through 16. What happens to the King of Israel? And what does God have to say to you through this ancient story?

Is This What You Want?

July 2, 2021 • Josh Kranenburg, Marco Alonso

Josh and Marco take a step back in the history of Israel to discuss the first king, and how Samuel and the Lord deal with the request for a monarch from the people. What can we learn from this story?

The Forgotten Son

April 16, 2021 • Josh Kranenburg, Marco Alonso

The second season is here! This season Josh and Marco focus on the life of a young man from humble beginnings but that God has great plans for. What does it take to make a king? How does God see and perceive us? Join Josh and Marco as they discuss this and so much more.