
At the Crossroads

RH Vol. 62 No. 1

Pr. Eli Tenorio, Peter Lausevic, Barbara Montrose

Many would agree that 2020 was an unprecedented year of monumental crisis, chaos, and confusion—at least in the life of most of us.

Is 2021 turning out to be different? In some ways, yes. But ultimately, not necessarily much easier. This year, we’re living in a time of decision. The venal crimes of the world have become so appalling to thinking people that many who fear God are inclined simply to feel numb and stand still in horror. Others are stirred up with concern. But the most important thing is for us to wake up to this glaring reality:

The world really does not have much to offer us now. More than ever, we need to focus very intently on preparing for the return of Jesus Christ in the clouds of heaven. There’s a great awakening underway. Honest people are far more inquisitive and aware than they have been for decades. Sincere seekers for truth are needing guidance and real answers. Are we up to the task? There’s not much time left in which to give a helping hand.