
The Freedom Book

July 4, 2021 • Pastor Greg Davenport

“The Freedom Book”
On Independence Day, where do we discover how to really be free? From The Book of freedom, the Bible. It tells us FREEDOM IS THE LIBERTY TO DO RIGHT AND FREEDOM IS THE EMANCIPATION FROM DOING WRONG.

Marked by the Supernatural!

August 8, 2021 • Pastor Ronnie Whitaker III

“Marked by the Supernatural! Our lives were meant for more than the overbearing ordinary mundane. The God of the universe who created us in His image, is now offering an opportunity for something greater. Giving us a purpose and a hope to live for. Come join us as we discover how God has chosen us to live supernaturally, naturally.”

Marked By A Calling

August 1, 2021 • Pastor Greg Davenport

Everyone has a Calling. God has a plan and specific purpose for everyone. Hear more in this next message in the series: Marked!

Marked by the Holy Spirit

July 25, 2021 • Pastor Greg Davenport

“Marked by the Holy Spirit”. Many of us have heard of the “mark of the beast” that we are not supposed to take during the last days of earth. But, there is a mark that we are supposed to take and are encouraged to take by God. It is the mark of the Holy Spirit. Hear more this Sunday!