
Mission Drift

June 4, 2023 • Acts 15

Main Text – Acts 15:1-41

1. A Slight Shift

We first see one of the warning signs of mission drift starting to happen with the

slight shifting in theology and how are we actually saved.. (Acts 15:1-5)

2. A Direct Approach (2-6)

Once mission drift is spotted it must be met with a direct approach. We can’t

just ignore it and hope it goes away. It must be met head on to course correct or

the mission is in danger of being completely adrift

3. Courageous Leadership (6-21)

It takes courageous leadership to course correct back to the central mission. Fear of

man is one of the strongest reasons mission drift goes un corrected. We must be

courageous in our convictions to hold firm to the mission of Jesus.

4. A More Unified Mission (22-33)

Whenever Mission Drift is corrected, an amazing thing happens.. everyone

becomes more unified and the mission advances stronger than before.

Close (36-41)

This is a great reminder for us as a church to keep the main thing the main thing.

We tend to drift away from Jesus ultimate mission and get focused on other

issues.. Luke shows us a great example at the end of this chapter where that we

can disagree, yet still be united together.

Luke tells us about a disagreement between Paul and Barnabas that then leads to

them separating from each other. They had been so close with each other on

virtually almost everything, been though so much recently and they end up

splitting from each other? Did they forget the mission? No, they disagreed over

something that ultimately was a tertiary issue.. They split but were still united

with the Mission of making disciples of Jesus in all nations. Their split lead to

more believers, more churches, and more glory to God.

Nothing can stop God’s Mission

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