
Betrayed: How To Restore The Relationship

April 25, 2021 • Ross Sawyers

Once there has been betrayal, is it possible to restore the relationship?

Jim Newheiser, Professor of Counseling

Characteristics of worldly sorrow:

-Self-focused; self-protective.
-Doesn’t primarily hate the sin; hates the consequences of sin.
-Resents accountability.
-Impatient – demanding to be trusted and restored immediately.
-Focuses on the sins of others.
-Criticizes the disciplinary process.
-Unchanged (hard) heart.
-No fruit.

Characteristics of godly sorrow:

-Focused on God and other person; well-being of others is first priority
-Hates the sin itself; accepts the consequences of the sin.
-Fully accepts responsibility.
-Seeks accountability.
-Focuses upon their own sin.
-Submits to the disciplinary process.
-Changed heart.