

Week 4

đ—Șđ—”đ—„đ— -𝗹𝗣
‱ What comes to mind when you hear the word “protest”? Why?
‱ Which protest in history stands out the most to you? Tell us what you know about it.
‱ Why do you think it’s important to stand for the truth, even when it goes against popular opinion?

Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy. PROVERBS 31:8–9

Is it ever right for Christians to protest?

That’s a big question hounding believers today. Some say that Christians are only supposed to focus on the gospel and spiritual matters. They should not meddle with political issues, let alone get involved in protesting government policies. Others argue that if an issue involves the poor and the marginalized, then Christians should take action as a matter of conscience. Where should the church stand?

Tucked away towards the end of the book of Proverbs, in between the exhortation against drinking and the long description of the virtuous woman, are two social imperatives: to speak out for those who can’t speak for themselves and to defend the rights of the poor and needy.

This text has a chilling historical consequence. Years before World War II, the German church was already aware of some of the misguided attempts to theologize the superiority of Aryan blood over Jewish blood. Pastors, priests, theologians, and the church in general were mostly silent. When Hitler passed into law what would become the legal instrument to kill millions of people, the church still hadn’t found her voice. Except for the few brave souls who spoke up and paid dearly for their courage, history would forever remember the silence of German Christians at a time when their voice was needed in the public square. In the aftermath of the war, the German church belatedly reflected back on Proverbs 31:8–9 and realized how they had been complicit to the atrocities of the Nazis simply by keeping silent.

Is it ever right for Christians to protest? Yes.

When people’s lives are on the line, when the poor and the marginalized are deprived of justice, when government policies have no regard for the weak and powerless, the people of God must raise their voices to speak out for those who can’t speak for themselves and to defend the cause of the poor. This is what we broadly call protesting.

One reason protesting gets bad press among Christians is it is almost always associated with public demonstrations that disrupt peace and order. That is not always the case. According to sociologists, there are at least 198 ways to peacefully and respectfully protest.2 It could be as simple as registering your disagreement about a government policy, letting your congressman know of your position on a new bill, or speaking out about the need for stricter laws on child trafficking.

Sometimes, a protest can take the form of a private civil disobedience as in the case of the Hebrew midwives who refused to kill baby boys at birth (Exodus 1:15–22). At other times, it involves courageously putting yourself at risk for the sake of the thousands who could die if you don’t do something, as in the case of Esther (Esther 4:12–17).

The question is not whether Christians should protest. Our commitment to biblical righteousness and justice in the public square demands that we speak out and defend the rights of the marginalized when necessary. The real question is how to protest in a way that is consistent with the Christian gospel that we preach to the world. In other words, what we should really be concerned about is the manner of our protest and the posture of our hearts when we disagree with government policies.

𝟭. đ—Łđ—żđ—Œđ˜đ—Č𝘀𝘁 đ˜„đ—”đ—Čđ—» đ—±đ—¶đ˜€đ—Œđ—Żđ—Čđ—±đ—¶đ—Čđ—»đ—°đ—Č đ˜đ—Œ đ—šđ—Œđ—± đ—¶đ˜€ đ—±đ—Č𝗰𝗿đ—Čđ—Čđ—±.
đ˜šđ˜©đ˜ąđ˜„đ˜łđ˜ąđ˜€đ˜©, đ˜”đ˜Šđ˜Žđ˜©đ˜ąđ˜€đ˜©, đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜„ đ˜ˆđ˜Łđ˜Šđ˜„đ˜Żđ˜Šđ˜šđ˜° đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜Žđ˜žđ˜Šđ˜łđ˜Šđ˜„ đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜„ 𝘮𝘱đ˜Șđ˜„ đ˜”đ˜° đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š 𝘬đ˜Ș𝘯𝘹, “𝘖 đ˜•đ˜Šđ˜Łđ˜¶đ˜€đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜„đ˜Żđ˜Šđ˜»đ˜»đ˜ąđ˜ł, 𝘾𝘩 đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜·đ˜Š 𝘯𝘰 đ˜Żđ˜Šđ˜Šđ˜„ đ˜”đ˜° 𝘱𝘯𝘮𝘾𝘩𝘳 đ˜șđ˜°đ˜¶ đ˜Ș𝘯 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Ș𝘮 đ˜źđ˜ąđ˜”đ˜”đ˜Šđ˜ł. 𝘐𝘧 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Ș𝘮 𝘣𝘩 𝘮𝘰, đ˜°đ˜¶đ˜ł đ˜Žđ˜°đ˜„ đ˜žđ˜©đ˜°đ˜ź 𝘾𝘩 đ˜Žđ˜Šđ˜łđ˜·đ˜Š đ˜Ș𝘮 𝘱𝘣𝘭𝘩 đ˜”đ˜° đ˜„đ˜Šđ˜­đ˜Șđ˜·đ˜Šđ˜ł đ˜¶đ˜Ž 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘼 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š đ˜Łđ˜¶đ˜łđ˜Żđ˜Ș𝘯𝘹 𝘧đ˜Ș𝘩𝘳đ˜ș đ˜§đ˜¶đ˜łđ˜Żđ˜ąđ˜€đ˜Š, đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜„ đ˜©đ˜Š 𝘾đ˜Ș𝘭𝘭 đ˜„đ˜Šđ˜­đ˜Șđ˜·đ˜Šđ˜ł đ˜¶đ˜Ž đ˜°đ˜¶đ˜” 𝘰𝘧 đ˜șđ˜°đ˜¶đ˜ł đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜„, 𝘖 𝘬đ˜Ș𝘯𝘹. đ˜‰đ˜¶đ˜” đ˜Ș𝘧 đ˜Żđ˜°đ˜”, 𝘣𝘩 đ˜Șđ˜” 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘾𝘯 đ˜”đ˜° đ˜șđ˜°đ˜¶, 𝘖 𝘬đ˜Ș𝘯𝘹, đ˜”đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜” 𝘾𝘩 𝘾đ˜Ș𝘭𝘭 đ˜Żđ˜°đ˜” đ˜Žđ˜Šđ˜łđ˜·đ˜Š đ˜șđ˜°đ˜¶đ˜ł đ˜šđ˜°đ˜„đ˜Ž 𝘰𝘳 đ˜žđ˜°đ˜łđ˜Žđ˜©đ˜Șđ˜± đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š đ˜šđ˜°đ˜­đ˜„đ˜Šđ˜Ż đ˜Ș𝘼𝘱𝘹𝘩 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜” đ˜șđ˜°đ˜¶ đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜·đ˜Š đ˜Žđ˜Šđ˜” đ˜¶đ˜±.” 𝗗𝗔𝗡𝗜𝗘𝗟 𝟯:𝟭đŸČ–𝟭𝟮

đ˜ˆđ˜Żđ˜„ đ˜žđ˜©đ˜Šđ˜Ż đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜ș đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜„ đ˜Łđ˜łđ˜°đ˜¶đ˜šđ˜©đ˜” đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜ź, đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜ș đ˜Žđ˜Šđ˜” đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜ź 𝘣𝘩𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘩 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š đ˜€đ˜°đ˜¶đ˜Żđ˜€đ˜Ș𝘭. đ˜ˆđ˜Żđ˜„ đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š đ˜©đ˜Șđ˜šđ˜© đ˜±đ˜łđ˜Șđ˜Šđ˜Žđ˜” đ˜Čđ˜¶đ˜Šđ˜Žđ˜”đ˜Șđ˜°đ˜Żđ˜Šđ˜„ đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜ź, 𝘮𝘱đ˜șđ˜Ș𝘯𝘹, “𝘞𝘩 đ˜Žđ˜”đ˜łđ˜Șđ˜€đ˜”đ˜­đ˜ș đ˜€đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜łđ˜šđ˜Šđ˜„ đ˜șđ˜°đ˜¶ đ˜Żđ˜°đ˜” đ˜”đ˜° đ˜”đ˜Šđ˜ąđ˜€đ˜© đ˜Ș𝘯 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Ș𝘮 𝘯𝘱𝘼𝘩, đ˜șđ˜Šđ˜” đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜łđ˜Š đ˜șđ˜°đ˜¶ đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜·đ˜Š 𝘧đ˜Șđ˜­đ˜­đ˜Šđ˜„ đ˜‘đ˜Šđ˜łđ˜¶đ˜Žđ˜ąđ˜­đ˜Šđ˜ź 𝘾đ˜Șđ˜”đ˜© đ˜șđ˜°đ˜¶đ˜ł đ˜”đ˜Šđ˜ąđ˜€đ˜©đ˜Ș𝘯𝘹, đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜„ đ˜șđ˜°đ˜¶ đ˜Șđ˜Żđ˜”đ˜Šđ˜Żđ˜„ đ˜”đ˜° 𝘣𝘳đ˜Ș𝘯𝘹 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Ș𝘮 𝘼𝘱𝘯’𝘮 đ˜Łđ˜­đ˜°đ˜°đ˜„ đ˜¶đ˜±đ˜°đ˜Ż đ˜¶đ˜Ž.” đ˜‰đ˜¶đ˜” đ˜—đ˜Šđ˜”đ˜Šđ˜ł đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜„ đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š đ˜ąđ˜±đ˜°đ˜Žđ˜”đ˜­đ˜Šđ˜Ž đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜Žđ˜žđ˜Šđ˜łđ˜Šđ˜„, “𝘞𝘩 đ˜źđ˜¶đ˜Žđ˜” 𝘰𝘣𝘩đ˜ș đ˜Žđ˜°đ˜„ đ˜łđ˜ąđ˜”đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜ł đ˜”đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜Ż 𝘼𝘩𝘯.” 𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗩 đŸ±:đŸźđŸłâ€“đŸźđŸ”

When Nebuchadnezzar set up a large golden image in Babylon and decreed that everyone should bow down to it when certain music was played, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego privately refused to obey the king’s order. Idolatry is a violation of the second commandment so the three Hebrew men refused to participate—even if it meant death for them. Curiously, they didn’t tell anyone of their resolve not to worship the idol. The king only knew about it because certain Chaldeans brought the matter to the king.

The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is instructive in at least three ways:

‱ First, not all of our disagreement with government policies should become public. Some people protest against every single thing the government does. That’s an exhausting way to participate in the politics of the nation. If it is not sinful or unjust, you may choose to let it go.
‱ Second, when your silent protest gets the attention of the public, be ready to stand by your convictions. Some issues are worth dying for; others are not. Pick your protest.
‱ Third, maintain respect and honor. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s concern was a matter of religious conviction. They respectfully stated their case to the king without personally antagonizing him. When they were saved from the furnace, the king eventually acknowledged God and became an ally to their faith.

Something similar happened to Peter and the apostles in Acts 5. After having been arrested for preaching Jesus in the previous chapter, Peter and his companions were arrested again. Just as in the previous arrest, they argued that they would rather obey God than men. Their dissent against the highest religious authority of Judea springs from their commitment to God. Acts 5 ends with the apostles getting beaten but instead of backing down they rejoiced in their participation in the sufferings of Christ and continued preaching anyway.

What is something you have protested against? Why did you do it?

𝟼. đ—Łđ—żđ—Œđ˜đ—Č𝘀𝘁 đ˜„đ—”đ—Čđ—» đ˜đ—”đ—Č đ—±đ—Č𝗳đ—Čđ—»đ˜€đ—Čđ—čđ—Č𝘀𝘀 𝗼𝗿đ—Č đ—¶đ—» đ—±đ—źđ—»đ—Žđ—Č𝗿.
đ˜›đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜Ż đ˜”đ˜°đ˜łđ˜„đ˜Šđ˜€đ˜ąđ˜Ș đ˜”đ˜°đ˜­đ˜„ đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜ź đ˜”đ˜° đ˜łđ˜Šđ˜±đ˜­đ˜ș đ˜”đ˜° đ˜Œđ˜Žđ˜”đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜ł, “𝘋𝘰 đ˜Żđ˜°đ˜” đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Ș𝘯𝘬 đ˜”đ˜° đ˜șđ˜°đ˜¶đ˜łđ˜Žđ˜Šđ˜­đ˜§ đ˜”đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜” đ˜Ș𝘯 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š 𝘬đ˜Ș𝘯𝘹’𝘮 đ˜±đ˜ąđ˜­đ˜ąđ˜€đ˜Š đ˜șđ˜°đ˜¶ 𝘾đ˜Ș𝘭𝘭 đ˜Šđ˜Žđ˜€đ˜ąđ˜±đ˜Š 𝘱𝘯đ˜ș 𝘼𝘰𝘳𝘩 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜Ż 𝘱𝘭𝘭 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š đ˜°đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜ł 𝘑𝘩𝘾𝘮. 𝘍𝘰𝘳 đ˜Ș𝘧 đ˜șđ˜°đ˜¶ đ˜Źđ˜Šđ˜Šđ˜± 𝘮đ˜Șđ˜­đ˜Šđ˜Żđ˜” đ˜ąđ˜” đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Ș𝘮 đ˜”đ˜Ș𝘼𝘩, 𝘳𝘩𝘭đ˜Ș𝘩𝘧 đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜„ đ˜„đ˜Šđ˜­đ˜Șđ˜·đ˜Šđ˜łđ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜€đ˜Š 𝘾đ˜Ș𝘭𝘭 𝘳đ˜Ș𝘮𝘩 𝘧𝘰𝘳 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š 𝘑𝘩𝘾𝘮 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘼 đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜°đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜ł đ˜±đ˜­đ˜ąđ˜€đ˜Š, đ˜Łđ˜¶đ˜” đ˜șđ˜°đ˜¶ đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜„ đ˜șđ˜°đ˜¶đ˜ł đ˜§đ˜ąđ˜”đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜łâ€™đ˜Ž đ˜©đ˜°đ˜¶đ˜Žđ˜Š 𝘾đ˜Ș𝘭𝘭 đ˜±đ˜Šđ˜łđ˜Șđ˜Žđ˜©. đ˜ˆđ˜Żđ˜„ đ˜žđ˜©đ˜° 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘾𝘮 đ˜žđ˜©đ˜Šđ˜”đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜ł đ˜șđ˜°đ˜¶ đ˜©đ˜ąđ˜·đ˜Š đ˜Żđ˜°đ˜” đ˜€đ˜°đ˜źđ˜Š đ˜”đ˜° đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š 𝘬đ˜Șđ˜Żđ˜šđ˜„đ˜°đ˜ź 𝘧𝘰𝘳 đ˜Žđ˜¶đ˜€đ˜© 𝘱 đ˜”đ˜Ș𝘼𝘩 𝘱𝘮 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Ș𝘮?” đ—˜đ—Šđ—§đ—›đ—˜đ—„ 𝟰:𝟭𝟯–𝟭𝟰

When King Ahasuerus, at the instigation of Haman, issued a decree to annihilate the Jews in all of the Medo-Persian empire, the lives of Esther, Mordecai, and thousands of others were in peril. Haman’s accusation was not true. He told the king that the Jews do not keep the king’s law so it is not in the king’s best interests to tolerate them (Esther 3:8). In reality, he really just hated Mordecai’s impertinence because he would not bow to him (Esther 3:1–6).

Mordecai pleaded with Esther to make an appeal to the king on behalf of the people. They would all be killed if no one were to take up their cause and bring the matter to the king. When Esther did this she put herself in harm’s way but her action eventually saved thousands of Jews across the vast Medo-Persian empire. How do you think Esther’s approach can apply to us today?

𝟯. đ—Łđ—żđ—Œđ˜đ—Č𝘀𝘁 đ—œđ—Č𝗼𝗰đ—Č𝗳𝘂đ—čđ—č𝘆.
đ˜ˆđ˜Żđ˜„ đ˜ˆđ˜©đ˜ąđ˜Ł đ˜€đ˜ąđ˜­đ˜­đ˜Šđ˜„ đ˜–đ˜Łđ˜ąđ˜„đ˜Șđ˜ąđ˜©, đ˜žđ˜©đ˜° 𝘾𝘱𝘮 đ˜°đ˜·đ˜Šđ˜ł đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š đ˜©đ˜°đ˜¶đ˜Žđ˜Šđ˜©đ˜°đ˜­đ˜„. (𝘕𝘰𝘾 đ˜–đ˜Łđ˜ąđ˜„đ˜Șđ˜ąđ˜© đ˜§đ˜Šđ˜ąđ˜łđ˜Šđ˜„ đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š 𝘓𝘖𝘙𝘋 đ˜šđ˜łđ˜Šđ˜ąđ˜”đ˜­đ˜ș, đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜„ đ˜žđ˜©đ˜Šđ˜Ż đ˜‘đ˜Šđ˜»đ˜Šđ˜Łđ˜Šđ˜­ đ˜€đ˜¶đ˜” 𝘰𝘧𝘧 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š đ˜±đ˜łđ˜°đ˜±đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜”đ˜Ž 𝘰𝘧 đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Š 𝘓𝘖𝘙𝘋, đ˜–đ˜Łđ˜ąđ˜„đ˜Șđ˜ąđ˜© đ˜”đ˜°đ˜°đ˜Ź 𝘱 đ˜©đ˜¶đ˜Żđ˜„đ˜łđ˜Šđ˜„ đ˜±đ˜łđ˜°đ˜±đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜”đ˜Ž đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜„ đ˜©đ˜Șđ˜„ đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜ź 𝘣đ˜ș 𝘧đ˜Șđ˜§đ˜”đ˜Ș𝘩𝘮 đ˜Ș𝘯 𝘱 đ˜€đ˜ąđ˜·đ˜Š đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜„ đ˜§đ˜Šđ˜„ đ˜”đ˜©đ˜Šđ˜ź 𝘾đ˜Șđ˜”đ˜© đ˜Łđ˜łđ˜Šđ˜ąđ˜„ đ˜ąđ˜Żđ˜„ đ˜žđ˜ąđ˜”đ˜Šđ˜ł.) 𝟭 𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗩 𝟭𝟮:𝟯–𝟰

Not all protests are disruptive. Non-violent resistance is a form of protest. So is holding placards, making speeches, or performing art and poetry to communicate a message about a cause or a perceived injustice. The whole point is to get your message across without violence or instigation of public disorder.

This is precisely what Obadiah did. Although he served under Ahab and Jezebel’s murderous regime, he made an underground operation of saving, hiding, and sustaining a hundred of Yahweh’s prophets. On the outside he was keeping peace; on the inside he was protesting the death of Yahweh’s prophets. Obadiah’s actions teach us that it is possible to silently protest against evil regimes in order to avoid more bloodshed. What did Obadiah do to preserve the prophets?

𝟰. đ—Łđ—żđ—Œđ˜đ—Č𝘀𝘁 đ˜đ—Œ đ—Żđ—żđ—¶đ—»đ—Ž đ—źđ—°đ—°đ—Œđ˜‚đ—»đ˜đ—źđ—Żđ—¶đ—čđ—¶đ˜đ˜†.
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After Paul and Silas preached the gospel at Philippi and freed a slave girl from a spirit of divination, the slave owners dragged the two into the marketplace, accused them of disturbing the city, instigated the mob to attack and beat them, and threw them into prison. What they didn’t know was that Paul was a Roman citizen. According to Roman law, a Roman citizen could not be beaten and imprisoned without trial. Government officials who do this could lose their positions. By refusing to be freed quietly, Paul was calling the officials to account. He wanted them to publicly recognize the injustice that happened under their watch.

Protesting could sometimes look like this. It is not to shame, insult, or disparage the people in power but to call them to account and demand that they dispense their duty to the public in a just manner. In other words, this kind of protesting is asking the people in government to honor and fulfill their duty to the people they have sworn to serve. Why is this an important way of protesting? How do you think we can do this in a way that our concerns are heard?
Politics & Christian Participation Protest

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Psalm 139 is a very good place to conclude our discussion on protesting. When we look at the political landscape of our nation, it is tempting to fall into despair or outrage. David felt the same. When he thought about evil people, he wished that God would just go ahead and slay them. He even admitted that he loathed them and hated them with complete hatred. But how he concluded his psalm is instructive for all of us. Instead of lashing out, he turned to prayer and asked God to search his heart. What if all the anger he felt was an indicator that something is wrong inside of him? This is a good question to ask ourselves, too.

While protesting is complex, one thing that should stand out in our Christian minds is that this is just one of the many things we can do to build the nation. Our civic involvement should never start with protesting but with community building, voting, campaigning for our advocacies, attending community hearings, and so on. When something controversial comes up, part of our civic duty is to fight disinformation and get our facts straight. Then as believers of Jesus, we bring the matter to God in prayer so that whatever action we take later, whether we write to our congressman, keep silent, or join a protest, our public witness is not tainted with partisan political agenda but with a genuine concern for righteousness and justice.

Identify five practical things you can do to express protest or
take action.

‱ Do you think people protest in your nation in a manner that honors God? Why or why not?
‱ When do you think you should protest and how should you go about it? What did you learn today and how will you apply it in your situation and nation?
‱ Who can you share today’s message with? What will you tell
him or her?

‱ Thank God for the wisdom and courage He gives His people to stand for righteousness. Pray that you will be full of the
Spirit and empowered to do His will in your life, community, and nation.
‱ Pray for peace in the land and also the courage to do what is right.
‱ Ask God for people to stand for those who are hurting and for those who do not have a voice. Pray for God’s people to speak hope and lead people to Him.