
The Power of Restoration

Renewed and Restored Part 1

August 4, 2024 • Pastor Irik Archie • Jeremiah 29:11–14

Scriptures: Jeremiah 29: 11-14; Jeremiah 30:17; Levitucus 6: 2-5; Job 1: 21-22; Job 42:10; Isaiah 61: 1-4; Isaiah 61:7

RESTORATION: bringing back to a former position or condition; the process of receiving back more than what has been lost such that the final state is greater than the original state.


By turning to God in prayer and faith, we open ourselves up to His restorative powers that can heal wounds, restore relationships, and renew spirits.

Instead of telling him about your problems and constantly and trying to resolve them on your own, bring to God your total surrender and trust.

Total surrender and faithfulness will always open the door for God's restoration to begin.

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