
Ecclesiastes 1

Ecclesiastes 1

Ecclesiastes Chapter 1 begins with a proclamation that the words that follow are indeed the words of King Solomon. During his later years, Solomon looked back on his life, his flair, and his folly. He determined that they all seemed meaningless.

Ecclesiastes 2

Ecclesiastes 2

Solomon conducted his search for life's meaning as an experiment. The first thing he tried to satisfy himself with was pleasure. He bought more slaves, herds, and flocks. He surrounded himself with jesters, singers, and many beautiful women. This still did not satisfy him. He referred to it as "chasing after the wind." 

Ecclesiastes 3

Ecclesiastes 3

Solomon believed that there is a time and place for everything, whether it be good or bad. He believes that you must seek guidance from God to truly know what your path in life is.

Ecclesiastes 4

Ecclesiastes 4

Solomon believed that a person should seek God's approval above all and not recognition from man.

Ecclesiastes 5

Ecclesiastes 5

Solomon believed that it was not wise to make a vow to God and not keep it. It's better to not make a vow than to make one to God and not keep it. 

Ecclesiastes 6

Ecclesiastes 6

Many people strive to prolong life and keep in good physical health, but people don't spend nearly enough time improving their spiritual health. Solomon also believes that human beings cannot take charge of their own destiny.

Ecclesiastes 7

Ecclesiastes 7

There will always be things that we don't understand. Thinking that you have attained enough wisdom is a sure sign that you haven't.

Ecclesiastes 8

Ecclesiastes 8

True wisdom comes from knowing and trusting God, not merely the way to find him. Knowing God will lead to understanding and then to sharing that knowledge with others. Even in a man could have all of the world's wisdom, he would still know very little. No one can fully comprehend God.

Ecclesiastes 9

Ecclesiastes 9

Solomon believes in enjoying life as God's gift. The world is finite, and sin has twisted life, making it something other than what God intended. Society honors many things above wisdom such as attractiveness, wealth, popularity, and success. Solomon believed that wisdom is the greatest asset even though it often goes unrecognized.

Ecclesiastes 10

Ecclesiastes 10

By describing circumstances that are unfair or don't make sense, Solomon is saying that wisdom alone cant bring justice. Everything we have is nothing without God. But when he uses what little we have, it becomes all we could ever want or need. If you lack skills, you should sharpen them through training and practice. This will make you more effective for God's work.

Ecclesiastes 11

Ecclesiastes 11

Because life has no guarantees, we should seize available opportunities and not play it safe. Even though life is uncertain, it doesn't mean that you should let it pass you by. Don't wait for conditions that many never exist. We should enjoy everyday but remember that the afterlife is eternal.

Ecclesiastes 12

Ecclesiastes 12

Solomon concludes the book by giving his antidotes for the two main ailments that he talked about. People who lack purpose and direction in life should fear God and keep his commandments first. The people who think that life is unfair should remember that God will go back and look and everyone's lives and make his judgment.