
Daniel, Teach Us How To Pray - Part II

March 5, 2023 • Pastor George Lawson • Daniel 9:1–19

I. What Provokes Powerful Prayer? (1-2)

II. What’s the Posture of Powerful Prayer? (3-4a)

III. What is the Pattern of Powerful Prayer? (4b-19)

A. The Faithfulness of God (4-6)

1. Faithful to His Covenant

2. Faithful to His Lovingkindness

3. Faithful to His Name

4. Faithful to His Warnings

B. The Righteousness of God (7-8)

1. Contrasted with the Shame of the People

2. Contrasted with the Shame of the Leadership

C. The Forgiveness of God (9-13)

D. The Righteous Deeds of God (14-15)