
Winter Retreat - High School week

February 14, 5:30pm - February 16, 2025 12:15pm

*Parents...please fill out the required waiver linked below so that your child may attend*

Join us for Elevate, a winter retreat at CranHill! Cost to attend is $100 a student. Payment can be made through the app, website or in person with cash or check*.

Meet at church on Friday, the 14th at 5:30pm. Teens should eat prior to coming. Packing list, mock schedule and required parent waiver can be found on toward the end of the page: https://www.cranhillranch.com/elevate

We will be back at church around 12:15 on Sunday the 16th.

*We want your teen's attendance more than we want your money. If you have financial questions or concerns, please reach out to Jeremy Andrews.*