
Setting Goals – 2023

January 1, 2023 • Mike Burt, Josh Burt • 2 Timothy 2:15, 2 Peter 1:15

“There is no goal without a plan.”Another year God has given us – while many will reflect back on 2022 such recollections are useful only if they spur us to make biblical choices for 2023! Sunday I will take apart the verse Paul gave to Timothy for his future – what was Paul’s advice to the young pastor? From Paul’s advice we should take inspiration – beginning with diligence! There are so many good books and Bible reading programs and helpful devotionals – what to choose? My best advice is that the best one is the one you will keep – everyday – all year long. It may not be the deepest or the most complete or even the favorite of others – but if you stay with it, God will teach you through His Word. Isaiah 55:11 is the promise that God’s Word will not fall void on listening ears. So Sunday I will challenge us to some Biblical concepts and some useful tools available in print and online – but the best one will be the one you use – all year! Also Sunday I will take a few minutes and have Josh share what he used to draw families into an unheard of study of 50 weeks and why they stayed and the differences it made – join us on New Years Day at 10a for a combined service and goal setting time together.Pastor Mike“What you are doing now is who you are – not what you plan to do!”Introducing the theme for 2023 - “Walk with me!” I am including a letter of introduction and challenge with this weekly update - please read it and join me in prayer and plans! Pastor Mike