
Cycles of Sin

September 11, 2022 • Mike Burt • Ruth 1:1–18

The Book of Ruth is a simple somewhat ordinary story on one hand and on the other; it is an amazing account of God’s faithful dealings with a simple family. The Book of Ruth is sort of the calm in the midst of the storm. The Book of Judges is a book of one episode of judgment after another called the Cycle of the Judges. I will show you a simple chart on Sunday about this cycle. God’s people would listen for a while and then they would turn to evil…God would judge them…God would send them a deliverer…they would turn back to Him. This cycle would happen time and time again.

“In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” Judges 21:25 (ESV)

The story of Ruth is set in a time period when everyone was doing whatever they wanted. The people determined right and wrong, not God. This is a very dangerous attitude to have. I believe it’s the same problems of our time. Truth is presented as subjective and people decide what is right and wrong. (usually wrong!)

“For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” Romans 15:4 (ESV)

In this great storm of the times of the Judges, God interrupts the story to show us a short account of one family – Elimelech and Naomi. God shows great kindness and faithfulness to an unfaithful family – redeeming a Moabitess and demonstrating the kinsman redeemer. Join us Sunday for a first walk into Ruth – see you then.

Pastor Mike

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