
Grace and Mercy

October 2, 2022 • Mike Burt • Ruth 2:14–23

What does kindness look like? Is it giving what we have left over to someone else? Or maybe sharing what we have with another? Kindness is giving of our selves but the story we read Sunday is much more than kindness or common generosity – it is a gift leaping from both Mercy and Grace! Last Sunday I compared the acts of God’s love as received by us in the forms of Mercy and Grace. I gave you the definition that Mercy is when God does not allow to us what we truly deserve – while Grace is God bestowing upon us what we do not deserve! Naomi’s family had fled the promises of God in the Land of Promise. While in Moab they felt the consequences of being out from underneath the shadow of God’s love – it was disastrous! Returning, Naomi was in despair and burdened with the care of her daughter in law, Ruth the Moabitess. But God stood ready with both Mercy and Grace. These twin gifts take the form of Boaz and his generosity – which could only be called Amazing! Sunday we will return to the overflowing of God’s Mercy and Grace – bring someone who needs either or both – they can find it!

See you Sunday,

Pastor Mike

“Jesus Christ did not come into this world to make bad people good; he came into this world to make dead people live.” Lee Strobel

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