
David's Test

March 13, 2022 • Josh Burt • 2 Samuel 12

Between the two chapters (2 Samuel 11 and 12) are about 12 months. During this twelve months surely David has struggled with guilt, doubt, and hiding. These sorrow and guilt is where we will pickup this Sunday as we dive into the first half of chapter 12 - where the prophet Nathan confronts David with his continued sin. Why did God “wait” to confront David with the original sin? Why would God not immediately confront and punish David?
We will take a look at this passage and see how God used Nathan not to simply bring the receipt of David’s sin, but to bring David back to communion with God.
Many times we can be living in times of sin, cover-up, secrecy, and/or silence to God. God’s desire throughout ALL Scripture is not to simply “accept” but to redeem. There is a conviction, there is consequence, there is cost - and God’s desire is for communion with us. See you this Sunday as we unpack this story and see how Truth is always Truth no matter the situation.

Sunday is coming! - Pastor Josh