

February 26, 2023 • Denis Garijo • 1 John 2:1–11

Pilate asked Jesus – ‘what is truth?’ (John 18:38) – the irony of the question was that Truth was literally staring him in the face – Jesus is Truth! 

John begins chapter 2 with the ideal desire of God – do not sin – yet we know our frailty and our weaknesses – it will happen. So when it does what do we do? Make accusations as Adam and Eve did or give excuses like Achan did to take loot from Jericho or doing what seems right in our own eyes as the end of Judges? When sin is in our life – we do what John said in chapter one verse 9 – confess! How do we know that is enough? It is not about us it is about Jesus and what He did. Jesus is the one making intercession for us. But there is something unique about this legal defense. This defense before the Judge is not based on our life or actions, but on Jesus’ life and Jesus’ actions. Jesus only defends those who confess their guilt. He does not defend those who maintain innocence. Our defense works completely different. If we try to plead not guilty to the crimes, we will be found guilty and bear the consequences on our own. However, if we confess our sins and admit that we are guilty of the charges, we have Jesus our Advocate who pleads for mercy on our behalf on the basis of his own perfect life. Jesus is the righteous one, not us, in this defense. Jesus has the ability to help and is the only one who can help. We need a righteous intercessor. Anything less would leave sinner without the sure access to the God of mercy.

Sunday we will talk about walking forgiven – walking in obedience and walking in love. So I say to you all – 'Come walk with me!' See you Sunday, 

Pastor Mike

“The Christian man must aim at that complete obedience to God in which life finds its highest happiness, its greatest good, its perfect consummation, its peace.” William Barclay