
Hope in Him - Abide in Him

March 19, 2023 • Josh Burt • 1 John 2:28—3:10

“A true Christian does not think God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us!”

 - C.S. Lewis

As Christians we often look to a “call to action” or “to-do list” or “a project/program” to guide and inspire us. These things tend to fill our schedule, our thought, and our life. They are NOT intentionally “wrong,” but can distract us from the unchanging, immeasurable, incomparable, and undeniable LOVE of Christ. We often can think of ourselves with too much “me…” and not near enough “Him…” when it comes to faith, following, and framework. Although, it normally begins “innocently” - it leads to us showing an “ I in Christ" instead of “Christ in me.” We become us-centered, and that leads to “us” dependent for our faith. 

This week, as we open the passage, we will see that it is Christ - and that is it! Faith, abiding, and love in Christ alone. I am so excited to open up 1 John and dive into this passage together. I am so looking forward to seeking Him, and together, seeing that we can have Confidence in God, true Connection with God, and that we can see the Care of God! 

See you this Sunday!

- Pastor Josh 

"When you feel like you can't take it anymore, look to Jesus and take it a little more.”

 - John Piper