
Don't Be Old Fashioned!

February 27, 2022 • Mike Burt • 2 Samuel 6

“God's plan is to make much of the man, far more of him than of anything else. Men are God's method.” E.M. Bounds

Celebrations are great aren’t they? Here’s the question, when’s the last time that you really celebrated something? I hope you have enough blessings you can remember. If it’s been too long then that’s a problem. Our lives should be marked by celebrations. The God of the universe loves us and paid the price so that we can live life forever with Him. That’s the best thing in the world. If He’s in our life there are going to be things that we can celebrate. Today our key passage is going to look at a celebration that David had.

We are talking Sunday about celebrations and we will looking at one of the greatest times of celebration in the life of David. He has become the king of Israel, he has united the kingdom. He is thankful for all that God has done, so he decides to honor God with worship in Jerusalem. Here comes the problem – new day – new methods? David uses a new cart to bring the Ark of God to the City of God – Jerusalem. God’s Work will be done God’s Way according to God’s Word. That is the key to Sunday – join us! Pastor Mike

“Our eyes should be taken off self, removed from our own weakness and allowed to rest implicitly upon God’s strength.” E.M. Bounds