
Witnesses to Life

February 5, 2023 • Mike Burt • 1 John 1:1–4

Walk with me! 2023

Jesus called to 4 men early on in His ministry with the simple appeal – ‘follow me!’ Those fishermen did and it changed their lives and they changed the World through the message of the Gospel. I have chosen 3 accounts of men who followed the Word of God for this year’s sermon schedule. We begin with John and his summary of faith after 60 years following the empty tomb. What a view – God has been good and Jesus has been true. I want us to hear the words of the aged Apostle (the last remaining Apostle) and feel the trust and the joy he still has in Christ. 

Three things are highlighted for us in this introduction: A relationship, a fellowship, and a joy that follows. But it must all begin with this matter of relationship, for John is concerned first about the family of God. John and Peter and Paul all have different ministries, as I have shared in other message series and sermons. It was Peter's task to talk about the kingdom of God, Paul about the church of God, but John is concerned with the family of God. These are all the same thing, but they are viewed from three different aspects. It is into the intimacy of the family circle, now, that the Apostle John takes us. This letter can be properly described as introducing us to life with the Father, what it means to be in the family of God.

If you read through the letter, as I hope you will many times while we are studying together, you will find there are several reasons John gives for writing this letter- the first is in our beginning message: "And we are writing this that your joy may be complete." (1 John 1:4)

Eternal Life is witnessed by the Apostles and preached by the believers – this week I will take us through the first 4 verses to savor this Eternal Life – and its Experiences, Expressions and Enjoyments! Even into his 90’s John is still thrilled by the touch of God through the promises of Christ – come and hear! Walk with me this year in God’s Word and walk with someone else as we Grow in Christ to Grow Others!

Pastor Mike