
Will You Be THAT Disciple? - 2 Timothy 1:12-18

September 10, 2023 • Mike Burt • 2 Timothy 1:12–18

While in England D.L. Moody heard evangelist Henry Varley say, “The world has yet to see what God can do through a man who is totally yielded to Him.” Moody was captivated by these words and resolved, “By the Grace of God, I will be that man!”

What a powerful text - the Apostle Paul tells Timothy of a time when he felt all alone. He shares with Timothy some of the lessons he learned while being in prison and feeling like some many had abandoned him. He reminds Timothy of the importance of holding fast to the truth and the difference that one person who genuinely cares can make. He encourages Timothy to practice these traits in his own life, so that his legacy may be one of faithfulness.


Our text on Sunday is really divided into two sections: 

In the first section (verses 12-14), Paul reminds Timothy that the foundation of the Christian faith is found in the true gospel message. He tells Timothy to hold firmly to that message. 

In the second section (verses 15-18) Paul recounts his experience of feeling abandoned while he was imprisoned in Rome. Here he tells Timothy to think about the kind of friend he would like to have, and then to work at being that kind of friend to others.

Invite someone who needs to be encouraged - make sure you are there to hear the promises of God for those who are faithful - come and be challenged to be THAT disciple!

See you Sunday,

Pastor Mike