
Faithful or Entangled? - 2 Timothy 2:1-13

September 24, 2023 • Jeff Bergmann • 2 Timothy 2:1–13

Jeff Bergmann will be sharing with us this Sunday. He is married to Daniela and they have 3 children. Jeff went to Ukraine earlier this year with our missions team, he and Daniela faithfully taught the Youth Sunday School for a time, and they both served on our search committee for a new Youth Pastor. Pray for Jeff and our time on Sunday, come ready to welcome him and to grow, together! 

Faithful or Entangled? - 2 Timothy 

Last Sunday, we were challenged to consider our calling and count the cost of walking with God and doing His will. Paul, in the opening of his second letter to Timothy, encouraged him to remain faithful to his calling. This Sunday, our message builds on what it means to be a faithful disciple, having considered our call, and counted the cost. As a Good Soldier of Christ Jesus, we must follow the MAP we’ve been given to endure hardship and remain a faithful disciple. 

Paul was being honest about what it means to serve God, in stating to Timothy, serve as a Good Soldier of Christ Jesus, enduring suffering and hardship for the sake of the gospel—Paul is specifically stating our mission—and in his last letter before his execution, Paul adds urgency to the importance of the mission by stating “I’m not going to be around much longer,” and warns that many others have come Off Mission, specifically stating they’ve fallen away, and urging and encouraging Timothy again, stating, “so I need you On Mission now.” 

​Paul’s message for being a faithful disciple follows what we might expect: be strong, teach others to teach others, and then Paul adds “endure suffering and hardship” and “don’t get entangled with the affairs of life.” If you’re not entangled with the affairs of this life, then you can stay focused on your mission for Christ, remain true to the standard of God’s Word, and be ever vigilant to the Devil’s designs against you. God needs us On Mission, On Azimuth, and On Point for His Kingdom.

Jeff Bergmann